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[August 21, 2012]

Tonight I trimmed the aft of the intersection fairing. I am pretty happy with how it turned out.

However, ever since I sliced the fairing, it doesn't sir flush against the fuselage. One of the disadvantages of going third party...

Lots of gaps all over the place.

I want the fairing to overlap itself on the underside where I made the slice. You can see how I put packing tape on the aft section of the intersection fairing and glassed over it. My hope is this makes a nice lap joint. To keep the fairing in position, I drilled a cleco into the cowl. I also forced the lower portion of the fairing to sit flush with the gear leg fairing. My hope is the three layers of glass I put down tonight will significantly stiffen up the fairing.

I did the same to the other side. I am hoping my fit will be good enough where I will only need one attachment point here! Worst case, I want no more than two attachment points to hold this on. Hopefully it will all pan out.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024