Notice: Undefined variable: categoryid in /Websites/rvplane.com/public_html/main.php on line 45
It seems gas prices only go down AFTER I have recently bought gas. Not that I'm complaining...it's going in the right direction. I don't think the minor rubbing between the plenum and the upper cowl is a big deal. Over 1.4 hours with the new configuration, the rubbing is minimal. I put some rubber weatherstripping material on top of the plenum to keep the rubbing down. I will check this out in a few hours to see how it is doing. I noticed my canopy has been difficult to close, and I have a very annoying whistling noise occurring in the cabin. While closing the canopy today, I noticed the canopy was rubbing on the rear edge. I sanded it down and got the fit a little better. I will see if this fixes the issues. Finally, I installed a USB power socket on the bottom of the subpanel. The 1.0 Amp output will power the ADS-B receiver. The 2.0 Amp output will power the iPad and/or charge my cell phone in flight. This location is pretty accessible in flight if I need to swap out USB powered items. Notice: Undefined variable: categoryid in /Websites/rvplane.com/public_html/main.php on line 160
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Last Modified: October 5, 2024 |