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[February 22, 2011]

To my surprise tonight it wasn't hard at all separating the halves of the left wheelpants I filled with flox last night. The buildup looked great in the low spots.

The low-light of the night was cleaning up the clay around these buildups and sanding them into a visually appealing shape. Thank god for 40 grit sandpaper! That stuff is great for initial shaping, but very aggresive! I am thrilled with how these turned out. They have a solid bond to the wheelpants and should provide superior support over the tinneman washers.

Round 2 with the left side was putting a nice thick layer of micro between the wheelpants halves. Flox is very rough, so the micro should form a much better joint, aesthetically. There is still a ton of filling that needs to happen, but that will be done with Rage Gold. I am trying to get these puppies to a point where they can go for a spin!

I filled the right set of wheelpants with flox tonight. They are basically one night behind the left side.

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024