Notice: Undefined variable: categoryid in /Websites/rvplane.com/public_html/main.php on line 45
One thing I forgot to take a picture of yesterday was I outlined approximately where the wheelpants brackets were on the outside of the wheelpants (thick black line). I wanted to add a platform of flox on the inside so I could countersink a screw into the fiberglass. So I made a dam out of modeling clay. Next I filled the dam up with flox. Once this dries, I will remove the clay and sand level the flox platform. The flox platform will rest against the wheelpants bracket. The mating halves of the wheelpants was just terrible. I needed to build up the rear portion in order to fit better with the front half. To do so, I needed to tape and wax the front half so any epoxy applied to the rear half wouldn't stick. I piled on flox on the rear half and then clecoed the two halved together. I waxed the clecos also to ensure nothing would be permanently attached to the wheelpants. I decided on flox because I felt this was somewhat structural for the joining of the halves. Some portions needed quite a bit of buildup. I will sand this down and then apply a layer of microballoons to get a much better fit. I only did the left side tonight because I was a little scared I might of glued the two halves together. I figured if anything went wrong here, I would only have one disaster to deal with instead of two! Notice: Undefined variable: categoryid in /Websites/rvplane.com/public_html/main.php on line 160
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Last Modified: October 5, 2024 |