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[February 11, 2011]

I swapped the CHT sensors for cylinders #2 and #4. I came to the conclusion there was no possible way that the CHT's could of varied like they did on the previous flight. Since a new CHT sensor is about $50 shipped, I decided to swap the sensors to make sure that it was a sensor problem, and not an electrical contact. When the weather clears up I will do a test flight and hope for positive results.

This was actually pretty easy. I though removing and redoing the wire harness would be much more difficult.

Strange oil drip here at the dipstick. I cleaned it up and will keep an eye on it.

Lastly tonight I cut the baggage area carpet. Classes the inside up a little.

Notice: Undefined variable: categoryid in /Websites/ on line 160

Last Modified: October 5, 2024