[February 25, 2009]

When I was at work today I remembered seeing the large collection of greenlee punchouts in a random drawer in the installers office. I snuck up there and rooted through to see what I could find. Jackpot! 2 1/4" greenlee punch!

It was a piece of cake to do the 2 1/4" hole. Next I used a instrument drill guide I purchased from Avery tools to drill the screw holes.

The Falcon altimeter hole needed to be modified for the knob. I googled to try to get the dimensions of this modification, but I couldn't find anything. I ended up tracing it as best I could and doing the iterative file-n-fit-n-file-again trick. Took a while, but its a nice tight fit now.

I had a little motivation left tonight so I cut the two holes for the aileron and elevator trim indicators. I really didn't know where to put these, but this location seems to be good. Its out of the way in the corner. I think I am finished with making square holes. Only switch holes are really left.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024