[January 29, 2009]

I haven't been doing any updates recently because I have been engrossed in planning my airplanes wiring scheme. It has been a pretty sizable feat. Doing load analysis, picking the proper wire gauges, etc.. etc.. It has been a very intense process and I have finally just about finished with figuring out everything I have needed to order from all the different companies.

So far I have placed orders on Ebay for a label maker (Dymo RhinoPro 5000) that does heat shrink labels, a Daniels DMC crimper for the Garmin 430 pins, a backup 9Ah PowerSonic battery, some heavy duty electrical lugs from McMaster, and some Schottky diodes from Mouser.

Now I have some finalized lists of stuff to get ordered from ACS, SteinAir and B&C. There is light at the end of the tunnel!

I has been cold in the garage, so hiding behind the computer hasn't been all that bad. I figure I have one more month of "hibernating" before the pace gets picked up into high gear again.


Last Modified: October 5, 2024