[July 19, 2010]

With the top cowl completed, it is time to move onto the bottom cowl. I was regretting working on this because of the larger size it is, and the proportional amount of pinholes it will have, as compared to the top cowl. I first used some Rage Gold filler to get all of the obvious flaws taken care of. Next I sprayed it will sanding primer to see what I had. Amazingly enough, there were way less pinholes!

I though I would be smart with pinhole filling and combine some Rage Gold and acetone to make a mixture I could brush on to the cowl and fill the pinholes easily. Wrong. The mixture didn't dry completely, and when I tried to sand it off, it would only clog the sandpaper. Dummy me even spread this across a majority of the cowl. What a mistake. Luckily acetone eats through it easily, so it isn't the end of the world. However, it was a lot more work than I wanted to deal with.


Last Modified: October 5, 2024