[May 14, 2010]

Great night in the hangar tonight. Some thunderstorms rolled through which delayed when I could haul the empennage to the hangar. I put the horizontal stabilizer in the bed of the truck.

And all the other control surfaces fit nicely in the backseat.

After about an hour I had most of the empannage attached.

Doh! I ran out of AN4-6A bolts for the vertical stabilizer. I will make a nice ACS order to restock all my low hardware.

I can some extra 5 conductor wire through the rudder to help fish the tail light wire through.

Rudder on (temporarily). I was going to wire up the tail light, but I didn't have the installation instructions, nor did I have the heat shrink labeler.

Shot of the airplane with the tail on. Its really looking great.

Every day I go to the airport I see something new. Tonight I saw the MetLife blimp parked on the far side of the runway. I am sure they will be using this tomorrow for covering the Preakness.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024