[May 11, 2010]

Wow, over two weeks and not an update on the project. Worse yet I don't think I've been to the hangar in over a month. Shame on me, I know. Some people say I am full of excuses, which I typically am. However, this sabbatical from the project was due to some legit excuses if you ask me. First off I put my sailboat on the hard to redo the bottom paint, refinish the sides and misc other maintenance work. Since its $$$/day to keep it up, a lot of my extended free time has been dedicated to working on her. Additionally, I just had a hellish week of studying for finals and working on final projects for my MBA. All of that is done, and the boat is just about to go in the water, so the RV project will finally get some much needed attention!

I got back to work tonight by trying to wrap up matching the tip of the rudder to the vertical stabilizer. The left side is pretty good, and I think its as good as it's going to get with the two attached.

The right side needs some more filling. Maybe 2-3 more iterations. Once this is done, the rudder and vert. stab. will be separated and the pinholes and contour differences will be filled. Its getting there. I would love to have all of this finished and attached to the airport by the weekend. It just may happen too.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024