Quick day in the shop today. i finished the tail light mounting bracket. I drilled a 1" hole int he middle and drilled 4 #30 holes around the sides for CS4-4 pop rivets to go in that will go into the fiberglass fairing. This will also be bonded to the bottom tip of the rudder with epoxy. I just like the idea of a mechanical bond to assist the epoxy bond. I countersunk the holes with my 120 degree countersink bits since the CS4-4 rivets are 120 degrees and not 100 degrees like most other things on the RV. Here is how this will mount. Finally I sanded the empennage fairing with fine sandpaper today and sprayed a coat of heavy sandable primer on it. I did a real crappy job because I have runs everywhere. Not like it matters for the first coat. I want it heavy to fill in all of the small pinholes and scratch marks.
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Last Modified: June 24, 2024 |