[December 26, 2009]

Today I was hit with some sort of OCD to get a ton done around the house, and all simultaneously. At one time I was cleaning the house (it reaaaally needed it) cleaning my guns (they reaaaally needed it too), changing my oil in my truck and replacing the tension pulley in the truck. It was so nice out (50 degrees) it seemed wasteful to spend it in the garage.

Once I made it to the shop, I unwrapped the canopy to check out how the fairing turned out. I am super thrilled with how nice it is.

Just a perfect line. I couldn't be happier.

Next on my dwindling "To Do" list was the empennage fairing. The fiberglass from Van's fit OK. But not great.

Hard to see here, but there is a nice gap between the leading edge of the horiz. stab. and the fairing.

The culprit seemed to be the fairing was hitting the vertical stabilizer. I trimmed a little of the glass off and it fit better.

I don't know why I worked on the fiberglass part first when really I needed to fit the aluminum bottom fairing first. I drilled out a number of rivets on the fuselage that aligned with the pre-punched bottom fairing.

I also needed to trim the bottom fairing a little bit (I used the thickness of a thick black sharpie marker to give me about a 1/8" gap) to trim the lower fairing with. This will get a rubber gap-seal installed in it. That's all I had time for tonight. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to find a minute or two to work on this. The holidays are just killing all of my free time.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024