I started mounting the Grand Rapids EFIS magnetometer tray. According to the manual, the magnetometer need to be installed in a location away from ferrous metals and electrical currents. Either one can cause erroneous readings. Also, the magnetometer needs to be perfectly aligned in all three dimensions to the mounting of the panel. I thought it would be easier if the whole fuselage was aligned with the panel so I raided up the tail. With the tail raised, the panel was perpendicular to the ground. Also, by luck, the center section was level too. I secured my tray to the F-708 bulkhead. The closest ferrous metal to this location are the seat belt anchors. I think they will be about 12" away. So far, a bunch of people have put their magnetometers here without issues. I still have to fabricate up something to hold the forward section to the top rib, but all the hard work should be done.
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Last Modified: June 24, 2024 |