[August 30, 2007]

Tonight gave me some unexpected weather. The forecast was for rain, but it turned out not to happen. I took advantage of this window and painted some more of the interior.

Along with the other side skin, I was able to bang out all the angle for the forward fuselage. I made a new painting tray out of window screen to paint with. This should make painting smaller parts easy, with a smaller chance of dust being kicked up into my work.

I riveted on the reinforcement angle to the armrests.

Here is a look from underneath. I measured an additional 3.25 oz of added weight by adding the angle reinforcement.

That's gonna be it for the next few days. I am heading up north to Block Island for labor day weekend to go sailing with a buddy of mine. Next week looks like great weather for painting, so with any luck assembly will start soon! I am itching to get this fuse done and tipped!


Last Modified: June 24, 2024