[August 11, 2007]

So I managed to get through one of the longerons (minus the #30 holes) in no time flat. The rest of the weekend is full of fun, so that's it until Monday night. Gotta love the summer!

The thing I was least looking forward to on the fuselage prep work was all the countersinking the longerons need. Basically, every hole needs to be countersunk to accept a #40 dimple. I don't have an exact count of holes, but I'd say easily 100-150/longeron. Maybe more. Plus, countersinking sucks anyways, but this needed to be done.

It turned out to be a total non event. What really made a huge difference in speed and quality was rubbing Boelube on the face of the longeron that I was countersinking. Lubing up the countersinking bit for each countersink operation was too much work. This was super easy and got the same (or better) results.

Another thing I was fretting over was how to hold the longerons while I countersunk them. I ended up just clamping them to the saw horses I had already laid out for the fuse. I was able to comfortably sit in a stool and countersink away.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024