[August 7, 2007]

Got both side skins edges and some of the holes deburred tonight. Pictures is where my crack in the rights side skin was. I drilled it out to a #30 hole and filed away until I got this result. I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out (well, I could of been if I never cracked it!).

I also made a decision on when to paint the interior. It basically came down to a choice of doing it now or doing it later. The advantages of doing it now is I have the best access to everything and will able to cover everything perfectly, without oversprays or shadows. The downside is I will have to go back over some spots where scratches were and over the rivets I set after I do the initial spray. It is going to take some more time, but I think in the long run it will save probably 10 hours. I might have to hold out for some time until the weather cooperates. It has been miserably muggy around with no sign of it letting up.


Last Modified: June 24, 2024