[July 5, 2007]

I started out today by trimming down the forward edge of the longerons. They need to be 3/4" aft of the forward skin edge.

Once they were trimmed, I backdrilled the longerons from the F-704 bulkhead to the forward end.

Next I fabricated the straps that attach the longerons to the F-704 bulkhead.

...and then drilled them.

I then placed the firewall. I took a ton of time checking the alignment. Van's tells you to draw a centerline on the angle on the bottom of the firewall, and align it with the second row of holes. Later, it says to maintain a 5/8" spacing from the face of the firewall to the edge. This contradicted the centerline method by about 1/32". I played around with it a while until I called it quits for the day.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024