[May 14, 2007]

Tonight was a frustrating night working on the aft fuselage. I started out clecoing the two aftmose bulkheads to the bottom aft skin. This is thick 0.040" skin that fits like crap to the bulkheads. I used two clamps to hold the skins tight, which seemed to help/

While at work I copied the tailwheel template from the plans.

I taped the template onto the skin and marked the hole. Using a cutoff wheel in the dremel, I did an initial cut. I used a combination of files and sanding wheels to get the shape. I then started to do the iterative process of adjusting the hole for the WD-409 mount.

I could only get so far with enlarging the hole until I needed to know exactly how the bracket will sit. So it was time to drill it to the bulkhead. I marked some lines on it - 12/32"'s from the edges - about 1.5D of the AN4 bolt that goes through here. Turned out to be just about perfect for alignment. Once I clamped it down and double checked the alignment, I drilled it with two #30 holes temporarily.

With the front of the bracket held in place, I clecoed everything back together. I got one of the side skins and attached it to keep the bulkheads in their final position. Without the side skin, the bulkheads rock back and forth a little. I wanted everything to be solid so I can get the hole in the bottom skin just right.

Here is what I have done for the night. It still needs some more work.

..and another shot. All of this was very frustrating and took a lot of time.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024