[April 19, 2007]

I started out tonight by drilling the nutplate holes and countersinking them on the spar stiffener.

Next I clecoed the stiffener back onto the spar to act as a pilot for countersinking the spar for flush rivets.

Van's tells you to make two spacers to a very specific length. After looking around in my bin of miscellaneous stuff I found them already made. I think I am all done with the F-705 bulkhead as far as part prep goes. I still have to prime everything and assemble it all, but I am going to prime all of the bulkhead parts together.

Next was onto starting the F-705 bulkhead. I had to trim some stock, and then work on these 1/2" spacers. You gotta be sure to make the spacers with the grain in the right direction. This is as much as I could get to with the chop saw. I will take them to work tomorrow to use their bandsaw to trim them up.

Next was the spar doubler. This guy is bent because it interfaces with the rear spar of the wing. You are supposed to trim it, because it is a hair too long. I almost trimmed the wrong end. Double check the location of the bends to figure out what side needs to be trimmed.

The other side of the doubler needs to be tapered. While I am using the bandsaw on the spacers at work, I will also do this guy.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024