[March 30, 2008]

I caught the right side up with the left side, then countersunk the fiberglass strips to accept the dimples from the skin. I then riveted on the hinge to the wing.

Next I countersunk the wingtip for flush rivets. Countersinking fiberglass is easy! I am going to wait to rivet the hinge on because I am going to epoxy it in place as well as riveting it for added strength. In fact, I am probably going to wait until I mount my Archer wingtip antenna's so I can get the proper grounding in place.

Since the next thing on the to-do list is the canopy, I decided to try a small plexiglass project - the wingtip lens.

I am still working on the fit, but after about 30 minutes I was getting close. Plexiglass isn't that bad to work with. The toughest part with this piece is being able to keep a good hold of it.



Last Modified: October 5, 2024