[February 8, 2007]

OK, I got all of the LE ribs riveted to the spar, then I moved into riveting the skin to the spar. Smooth sailing so far.

Next I put in rivets that go under the tank skins, but hold the ribs to the spar. Van's doesn't tell you to do this, but a lot of other builders do it. AN426AD4-4's work perfect here.

Next I installed the Tank. I only used a few screws to check the fit.

This is the only problem I see -- every so slight pillowing between the screws holding the tank to the leading edge. It isn't much -- maybe at worst 1/32". I think it is because of the joiner is rubbing against some proseal on the outboard rib on the fuel tank. I am going to leave this overnight so that the joiner can hopefully make an indentation on the sealant to give me a sign. But I have a feeling thats gotta be it. Other than that small pillowing, the tank fits perfect -- all Z brackets line up. I can't ask for much better than what I got.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024