[January 29, 2007]

I worked a bunch tonight to finish deburring the skeleton. Tons and tons of holes. Its not too bad, just very repetative. About half of the holes need the deburring bit extension. I was sitting in a little chair all of tonight while deburring to try to save my back.

I am trying to take care of all of the little things that need attension before the wings go together. I wasn't happy with how two of the countersinks turned out on the spar for the access plates (lower row of countersinks, right two). There was a ton of chatter on these. So I called up Van's and asked them what to do. They said to figure some way to make a pilot for the countersunk bit deeper in the spar (deeper than the nutplate was, because the countersink but was bottoming out) and countersink the hole a hair deeper to get it out. They didn't sound all that concerned with it though. Good.

I decided to make a shim out of 0.032" scrap to cleco the nutplate to while I freehanded countersunk (no cage). I made this in two seconds with the unibit.

Then I clecoed the nutplate to it.

And then countersunk a very little bit. Hard to tell from this pic, but it did clean the hole up a good amount. Not 100% by any means, but I didn't want to go to far. It is a good balance in my book, and more importantly, one less thing to worry about.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024