I was fully planning on setting one of the inboard ribs today, but time got away from me. So instead of working into the wee hours of the night and cleaning up a bunch of dirty clecos from doing the inboard ribs on different nights, I did all the prep tonight for both inboard ribs. While I was at it, I decided to mount the outboard capacitive sensor plate. I did it now because I definitely didn't want to put the outboard rib on and have terrible access to screw it in. This is a midtank show of where my fuel return is. If I had to do this all over again, I would of used -4 tubing instead of -6. I would of chosen the same penetration point on the inboard skin for the fitting, but I would of weaved it higher to run parallel to the vent tube. Oh well, ideas for the next plane... I also remembered to put all of the fittings on the tubing. It would of been terrible to forget this. I suppose you could bent it and get it out through the inspection panel, but why bother? Finally, I put some electrical tape over the flared ends of the tubing and on the skin edge where I don't want sealant.
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Last Modified: June 24, 2024 |