[October 23, 2006]

Deburring is all I got accomplished tonight. I scuffed up all of the parts and deburred all of the holes. When I say all of the holes, I only deburred the holes that I will use to rivet the spars together. The other holes haven't been drilled yet, so why waste my time deburring something twice? I also drilled out to #40 the top tip flange where it interferes with the inboard doubler, where the mid and tip doublers go. I also dimples all of these holes, as you won't be able to do it later when it is assembled. Last thing was Van's called to countersink the tip-most holes on the spar web. After looking at what this connects to, I decided to dimple it instead. It holds together the doubler, spar and a rib. Some other builders did it to, so I can't be too crazy. Lastly I tapped the tie down brackets. Everything is ready to be primed now.

This is the tip doubler dimpled on the flange to #40 and also the tip edge to #30

The center doubler. Only the flange holes are dimpled.

Finally, because of the interference with the inboard doubler on the root of the spar, these got dimpled to #40.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024