I finished all of the prep work on the skin tonight. I finally got the right combination on what blade works best in the multi-deburring tool and my method. I make 3 swipes with the deburring tool - the first is parallel to the edge to knock off the punch marks in the sheet. Then I make one on each side at a 45 degree angle to the skin top. Next is a quick shot of emery cloth and finally I carefully use a scotchbrite pad. I say carefully because I try to not let the scotchbrite pad scatch up the skin top. I also decided NOT to drill/dimple the holes for the fiberglass tip. The tip does not have any pre-drilled holes in it, so it needs to be drilled. I did some looking and all of the holes on the top are easily dimpled - I think most of them can be got with a yoke, not needing the pop-rivet style dimpler. Finally, I needed to countersink the holes in the doubler a little more. My first attempt was almost perfect, but it needed to go a little deeper. I decided to make a piece of aluminum with a #30 and #40 hole and dimple to test the countersinks I will make in the future. I got this idea from Dan Checkoways site. This made it a breeze to check the countersink depth on the doubler. The countersinking gauge I made to check. I used the leftover stock from the RV Builders Workshop I went to and cut a 20/32's x 2.5" piece, drilled a #30 and #40 hole, then dimpled. Works great.
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Last Modified: October 5, 2024 |