[April 6, 2007]

After working on the trim tab all day, I was ready to finish up the elevator. I forgot how much of a pain it is to roll these things. Thankfully this is my last one (until the next plane!)

So I thought everything was fine and dandy until I flipped the elevator over and saw this! A couple of dings, with one piercing the skin!! DOH! It took me about 0.000005 seconds to figure out what happened. I drilled out some of the pop rivets to try to improve how the leading edge looked (get rid of gaps). I must of rolled the galvanized pipe over the rivet to cause this. First off, I stop drilled the crack. next I used a hammer to bang the dings out. With a little filler this it will disappear. Its just too bad it happened on the top skin. Why do all screwups happen where they can be seen??? Oh well, Elevators are done!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024