[February 8, 2006]

I was finishing up some work on the trib tab today - mainly bending the tab. I needed to make two modifications to my bending brake's 2x6's to accomidate the trim horns. I knocked the corner off of one side of the top, and I made a groove in the bottom. I am not 100% satisfied with the bend that I have. First off, I had a small crack form on the trailing tip of the skin - where the tab bend and the trailing edge bend meet. It was only about 1/32" long, and I am sure it is caused by too much metal being bend too close to each other. I am going to use the scortchbrite wheel to make a nice radius in that corner like all the other corners do around here.

My other concern is that I cannot get the bend to align up just right - one the top the skin is actually pushed/buldged down a little bit and on the bottom it pertrudes a little. The strange thing is that everything is good when the spar isn't clecoed in place. Me thinks that the spar needs to be bend back just a hair to fix this problem. I have my monthly EAA meeting tomorrow so I figured I would bring it for the show-and-tell section of the meeting.

The tab after everything is riveted to it.

The skin after the bend. On the right hand side is where I developed a slight crack. You can see is it just a lot of metal coming together in different directions. I was thinking about filing it, but if I use the corner of the scotchbrite wheel on the bench grinder, I can really get good results with radiusing without needing much cleanup work afterwards with sandpaper, etc..

This is the first mod I made to the bending brace to accomodate the trim tab horn

...And this is another mod I made.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024