[February 23, 2006]

Tonight I was planning on final mounting the trim tab to the elevator. I was still screwing with the final bend on the trim tab skin. I finally got it. As I was taking a close look at the tab, I saw a very slight crack on the root trailing edge. I didn't believe my eyes when I saw it. I sanded it down and then scotch brited it to get a better look. It sure did look like a crack. Although the trim tab has gone pretty smoothly for me, I decided to order a new skin. I wasn't very satisfied with how the tab was looking. There were some buldges in the top of the skin, the trailing edge looked like crap, and the tip bends were more-or-less overlapping. With all of that said, I decided to just get another trim tab skin.

After that decision was made, I started to tear apart the trim tab. As soon as I peeled it apart the crack became apparant. I got everything apart fairly easily and put away for the new skin. I am going to order some new piano hinge also just in case. I might as well get the Van's bang for my buck with their handling fee.

I think I might just order 2 skins. At $13.50 each it isn't a huge loss. Besides, I can sell one of them on VAF probably easily without a handling fee!

This is where the light crack was - right on the tip.

As I opened up the skin to get the spar out, you can really see the crack.

Everything apart. I am patting myself on the back for how well I took everything apart. Under normal circumstances I would of botched all of this up in frustation of the new skin!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024