[February 18, 2006]

I backriveted the trim servo brackets onto the inspection plate. Remember that I countersunk the trailing rivet to allow clearance for the servo itself, and dimpled the other 2. Van's called for AN426AD3-3.5's for these, and I used them for the two dimpled holes. I decidede to use AN426AD3-3's for the two countersunk holes to allow for the rivet to sit closer to the bracket. Since the hole was countersunk, the pertrusion of the -3's were just fine.

With that done, I am pretty much finished with the empennage until I get the EAA inspector over and get my trim question answered. So I took the rest of the day and cleaned up my shop. It was a complete disaster. The last thing I did was tackle cleaning up the clecos full of proseal from the rudder trailing edge. They were pretty easy to clean up. I soaked them in laquer thinner for 5-10 minutes then took a steel brush to them. After that, I took a blade to scrape any sealer off that the brush didn't get.

I backriveted the servo bracket to the inspection plate. The 4 rivets on the left are AN426AD3-3.5's in dimpled holes, and the 2 rivets on the right are AN425AD3-3's in countersunk holes.

Clecos bathing in laquer thinner.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024