[January 27, 2006]

After I bent my elevator trailing edge, I took the angle off of the rudder to see what it looked like. Perfectly straight. I didn't trust the angle, so I got a ruler out to check it out just to make sure.

There was a bunch of pro-seal residue that needed to be wiped up. I was going night flying in a few hours to keep up currency, and I didn't want to be breathing in MEK or laquer thinner before I did that.

So, I enlarged every other hole in the aluminum angle to like 1/2" or so. I didn't look at how big it was, I just made sure it was big enough for the flush rivet dies to fit in....why am I doing this?!?!?!?!?!!?!?! Van's doesn't tell you to!!!

Enlarging holes on the aluminum angle with a unibit.

The finished product.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024