[January 13, 2006]

I was out in California this past weekend visiting my college buddy in San Diego. My friend Andy and I worked out to go to Alteon to and do some simulator time in a boeing 717. The 717 sim was amazing. For $150 you get 1 hour in it. I went first and got to taxi to the runway, normal takeoff, normal landing. Next was an instrument takeoff and landing (with a wheel collapse failure) and then we did an engine out takeoff and landing. This is my first sim (yeah, I know, the full motion sim totally spoiled me) and it was totally beleivable that I was flying. When I was done with my turn in the left seat, my hands were sweating. I highly recommend that if anyone is in the Long Beach area to check it out.

Next thing after the sim was to meet with Dan Checkoway (rvproject.com) to get a ride in the infamous N714D. I emailed Dan a few weeks ago seeing if I could check out his ride. He wrote back letting me know that he would be totally willing to give me and my buddies a ride. Dan was a very cool dude and gave my buds and me a ride that I know I won't forget soon.

Perfect wx in chino for some rides.

My buddy Andy getting ready for the first ride in a -7. He has been in a -9 before and totally was blown away at the performance of the 7. Another victim with the RV grin!

This is my buddy Big Al getting his first ride ever in a small plane. What a treat. I think Checkoway even let the man fly for a little. I should of briefed Dan beforehand! Funny thing about Big Al is that he is probably 6'5" or taller. It was pretty amusing watching him squeeze into the RV.

This is my buddy's low level flying experience with Dan.

Some more low-level stuff. If this doesn't bring out the RV grin, I don't know what will!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024