[December 29, 2006]

I woke up today with a email inviting me to go up in Salty's RV-8 for lunch today. Giddy up!

This is a shot of Libery Resevoir.

Baltimore City, looking from the south.

We got a real treat today -- twice to be cleared into class bravo, through the ADIZ to get to KESN. Usually you have to go into the ADIZ and scoot below bravo. This was about as direct as a shot as you can hope for.

Shot of Annapolis, MD and thr severn river (route 450) bridge.

Shot up the bay of Chestertown, MD.

This is a shot down the bay - St. Michaels, Tighlman Island, etc..

On the way back from lunch, this was Bay Bridge airport.

Up the patapsco rivet into baltimore. You can make out the Key Bridge.

I think this was an American super-80 below us. It is so cool to fly in class bravo!

And the same super-80 from the previous picture landing at BWI. Supper cool!

This was my favorite shot of BWI, where you can make out the whole airport and the RV-8 wing.

Somewhere in here is where I live.

Finally, back at KDMW. Thanks a lot Salty for an awesome lunch!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024