[July 6, 2021]

A couple of weeks ago I noticed my propeller was throwing a good amount of grease. It was showing up on my canopy in a form that resembled sap on my car windshield. I was just a tad over Whirlwinds recommended Teardown inspection interval of 650 hours of 6 years - I was approaching 820 hours and 11 years!

So this was my day - leave KPYM, fly to home (KDMW), take the propeller off an drive it to the Whirlwind factory in Austinburg, OH. Part of the reason I chose Whirlwind was the somewhat close proximity of the service center. They used to have a service where you could fly in/out and not have to endure the drive, but CV killed that perk.... So here was my day - 371 miles flown, 401 miles driven!

The flight was hazy the entire way. And a good headwind. Not very picturesque to say the least...

I severely underestimated how long it would take to remove the prop. A good 2 hours with minimal distractions.

Some pics of the spinner backing plate showing where the grease was being thrown.

Woof. It was simply nasty inside the hollow crank. I will deal with this after I get back - Got a lot of driving ahead of me today!

8am on Wednesday I dropped the prop off for service per my appointment. Now to decide what to do with for the next 6 hours while my prop was worked on.

I decided to head to Erie, PA - about an hour drive and they had a pretty awesome looking state park - Presque Isle State Park.

The Park entertained me for only so long, and then I found a nice watering hole at the Erie Brewing Company. I highly recommend this establishment! Great Cheesecake beers! And I seriously mean that!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024