[December 25, 2019]

My brother has never shown much interest in the RV. I don't know if it was lack of trust, generally scared of home-built planes, or just no interest in flying. I always ask him and he politely declines. I asked him if he wanted to go for a spin on Christmas day, and he shockingly agreed. His justification was after 700 hours of flying time, it's probably finally safe! He lives in Annapolis, so I picked him up at the Bay Bridge airport, W29 and we went on a flight circumnavigating the MD portion of the eastern shore.

He really enjoyed it. We flew over a bunch of creeks and rivers we grew up on spending time on our grandparents boat in the summer. We then flew low over the beach front of MD and DE.

I dressed the part for the day.

Base for W29

And base to final over the Bay Bridge. Great day, my brother really enjoyed it and gave me a rare compliment - that I was actually a good pilot!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024