[July 27, 2019]

Today was onward and upward (er, southward?) to Des Moines to visit my college friend, Rene.

Hey, look at this. I convinced my friend Josh from St Paul to tag along for part of my adventure. With him having twins at home and a VERY understanding wife, it didn't take him long to accept my offer as a 1!

The day was just perfect. Serious CAVU.

The fine folks at Ankeny treated us well. We tied down on the far ramp where we belonged!

The red carpet was rolled out when we got a golf cart ride to the terminal and they dropped us off at the local Marriott.

We quickly unloaded our belongings into our hotel room and made it to the closest watering hole. They just had a beer or two to choose from here......



Last Modified: June 24, 2024