[August 11, 2019]

The Smokehouse Pilots Club out of Leesburg, VA had a flyout planned today for State College, PA (KUNV). Plan was to grab some Ubers into town and get some brunch. I brought my friend Natasza with me who had never been in a small airplane before (Well, she considered an RJ small until today). It was a fabulous weather day. Light winds, not a cloud in the sky, and rather cool for an august day in MD.

We met up with my friend Jim over Harpers Ferry, WV and flew a formation flight up to State College.

My friend Zack snagged a pic of Jim and I flying past him. He looked like he was standing still to us!

We had a large turnout - Something like 15 airplanes and 19 attendees.

We had a great brunch/lunch and then headed back out to the airport. I decided to fly lead home (first time ever flying lead!). Jim and I briefed and we headed out. Someone from the group grabbed some video of us taking off together.

We flew formation for about 10 minutes and then Jim split off we we were headed in two different directions around Camp David (P40).

My friend Natasza did great. She had a blast putting around the countryside at 180 MPH.

Before we went back to KDMW, we did some local sightseeing. This is Pretty Boy Reservoir.

And we flew over her neighborhood. Fun day and Natasza got a lot of firsts - First ride in a small airplane, first formation flight, first time seeing smoke, etc.. etc.. She said this was her most fun day of 2019!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024