[March 22, 2015]

Nothing really picture worthy occurred today. I finished up the inspection of the airplane which involved installing the cowls and performing a runup test. After that I broke in the new brake pads by doing some aggressive stops on the ramp. Everything seemed to be working fine, so a quick flight was in order. As I was taxiing out onto the runway, I noticed the breakout force on the tailwheel was off - the tailwheel went into a free spin well before it should of. I didn't consider this anything dangerous to the flight, as the wind was right down the runway, but I did think it was odd. After an uneventful landing, I looked at the tailwheel mechanism closer. It looks as if the tailwheel control arm was worn out, as there were some burrs on either side of where the notch was for the spring and pin. I decided it was time for a new tailwheel control arm, spring and keyslide. Van's sells the spring (LC-023AB-11M) and keyslide (WD-102C), however, JDair sells them also, and cheaper than getting things shipped from two places. I also decided to upgrade my tailwheel to a sealed bearing lightweight version. I've been eying up this upgrade for a while!


Last Modified: October 5, 2024