[July 17, 2014]

So far in 2014 we have experienced a weather phenomenon referred to as a "Polar Vortex". Basically it is either a gift of a curse of super cold air from Canada that invades the US. In the winter it caused temperatures to be well below normal. If you keep up with my flying adventures, you will recall I made a flight to Detroit in the middle of the winter Polar Vortex where the temps aloft were 0 F. However, in the summer the Polar Vortex is a welcome change in temperatures. Not only have the temps been utopian, but also the visibility has been out of this world for this time of year. I couldn't help but go flying tonight. There were some scattered clouds with bottoms around 6,000' and tops at 10,000' I felt like exploring. At 8,000' you can clearly see Lake Marburg at Codorus State park.

My cell phone didn't seem to want to cooperate taking crisp EFIS pics tonight. But it was chilly up at 10,000' - 37 degrees F indicated on the OAT. I saw it get as low as 34F. This could be the first time I've used the heater in the RV in the summer time.

Looking south towards Baltimore and Towson. Just a perfect night.

I putted around on super economy mode waiting for the sun to set. 5.7 GPH at 114 kts TAS. Not too shabby.

Just after the sunset. I hauled ass back to Westminster and tucked the RV away for the night.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024