[March 10, 2012]

This morning I had a nice flight planned to the "Flying W" airport in New Jersey - just a little to the east of Philly. However strong gusty winds killed that plan. About 2pm I realized the winds were really dying down and it was a beautiful day outside. My girlfriend, Julie, had never been in the RV before (or a small airplane), so we decided to go up for just a few minutes.

Long story short, Julie was fine in the airplane. So we decided to venture a little further than just around KDMW. We ended up doing sightseeing around Harrisburg, PA, then followed the Susquehanna river to the top of the Chesapeake bay, then followed the eastern side of the bay down to the Bay Bridge. We did a landing at the Bay Bridge airport and were back off for home. Julie thought it was strange that I got a "Nice Airplane" comment on the Bay Bridge unicom.

One the way back up the bay I noticed I got a "LOW EGT2" warning on my EFIS. When I changed views, it was clear my EGT #2 probe or it connector is not functioning correctly. I really like the way the GRT charts out the EGT/CHT's. It makes debugging an issue a snap.

On the way home we passed over Pretty Boy reservoir. Great day of flying. The weather was great and made for another great day in the RV.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024