[February 18, 2012]

A friend of mine introduced me to a gentleman with AirCam at lunch a few weeks ago. Well it took about 0.000025 seconds for us two experimental aircraft builders to become friends. This weekend we decided to meet up in Cambridge, MD. It was a nice February day for the RV - 35 degrees. However, the AirCam with it's open cockpit was a different environment from the protection the RV offers.

Claudius and I met up over top of Essex Skypark. I flew quickly over the Chesapeake Bay to avoid my time over water, while Claudius took his time at 70 kts. We met over top of Rock Hall, MD and Claudius' son, Eric took the following video of me.

I got a ride in the AirCam , and it was simply amazing. Thankfully I had a motorcycle full body suit on to keep me warm. Great day for the RV!

The flight back to DMW was very nice. It was a great day to be out flying!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024