[June 7, 2011]

Summer in MD is a double edge sword. Sure the days are super long, however there is always brutal haze on the hot days. Today it was in the low 90's and pretty hazy on the ground. Int he air it was no picnic. This was the view at 3500'.

I wanted to fly over to Georgetown, DE. That has always been one of my more favorite airports. Good flying down the eastern shore of MD and they have a great restaurant.

Hey, my engine is finally behaving properly! Leaned back to 7.1 GPH at 62% and running smooth.

Chesapeake and Delaware Canal.

My EGT for cylinder #2 decided to flip out on me. Probably just an electrical connection.

Landed at KGED uneventfully.

However the restaurant on the field closed at 4pm! So much for trusting the schedule on the internet. It was still a great flight down. The RV's first landing in Delaware.

This view was absolutely amazing - watching the sun reflect off of the Sassafras river. Too bad the haze ruined an otherwise great pic.

This was really amazing to see. The moon is directly behind and slightly above the sun. The camera couldn't capture it. Great night in the RV!



Last Modified: June 24, 2024