[May 25, 2011]

My friend Dave lives in Bel Air and wanted to borrow a camping stove I had. I had many boring ways of getting the stove to Dave -- most of which involved driving 45-60 minutes. Why not test out my new gear leg fairings and deliver the stove by air? Dave lives about 15 minutes from the Fallston airport, so it made total logistical sense.

The engine once again idled extremely poorly today. Today was different than normal, because the idle was bad right from the time I started the engine. However, once I did the runup, it ran perfect. I am assuming it is still just the warm temps.

At 3900' I was going 169kts with the pedal to the floor. Thats about 193 MPH, but it seems I didn't get much, if any extra power out of the gear leg fairings. Oh well, it's still fun to be burning 17.3 GPH!

I pulled the airplane onto the grass to keep out of the way and waited for my buddy Dave. I decided to take a few picks. I never realized how good she looks on the green.

This is my favorite pic of the day.

My friend Dave shot this great video of me leaving Fallston to head back to Westminster.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024