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[March 21, 2017]

I completed my 2016 annual inspection on the RV on March 1st last year, so I need to complete the annual this month to keep my bird airworthy. Tonight I started with the inspection of the wings. One item I wanted to take care of was adding in the bracket from TruTrak which prevents the ability for the screw to backout. There have been a very few reported cases of the screw holding the servo arm to the servo backing out. If the screw fully backed out, there would be the potential for the controls to be jammed. TruTrak gave me two of these brackets at Oshkosh this past year. I didn't quite understand how they actually world instructions came with them. However, they wasn't all that much to them, so I couldn't imagine it was that difficult to install.

As soon as I took the inspection panel off, it became clear how these brackets work. They are simply held on by the bolt securing the pushrod end. It is quite the elegant solution! The bracket prevents the screw from backing out, and there is a convenient hole in the bracket to check the tightness of the screw without removing the bracket. Well done TruTrak!
I finished up the wing and tail-section inspection. Nothing out of the ordinary in either section.

While I was at the airport, I ran into my friend Steve Koziol who just finished a Garmin 345 ADS-B transponder installation in his RV-9A. We were chatting about ADS-B and he told me his transponder passed the FAA ADS-B Performance Report. I asked him how long the report takes, and he said no longer than 5 minutes from the time you submit the web form, to the time the report arrives in your email inbox.

I went to and a few minutes later I received a passed report!

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Last Modified: October 5, 2024