[April 12, 2007]

Today started out by me being abruptly woken up by the heating oil delivery guy. Normally I wouldn't be too worried about heating oil until much later in the year, but I am pretty much tapped out now and it has been cold as hell out. It is even supposed to snow this weekend. Hard to believe for the middle of April. Anyways, the oil guy is filling up my tank in the spout in the garage. He looks at the plane and asks me if I am into wood work! Mind you, there are two wings in the cradle, ailerons and flaps on the workbench and metal shavings all over the floor. I got a good laugh out of that. He wanted to know about how all the parts get here, and I explain the boxes that show up from Oregon and the instructions on how to put it together. He says "oh, its just like the furnature I buy from Ikea!". I couldn't really argue with him and got a good laugh from it.

I finished match/back drilling everything but the recess (still working on its fit). I made one mistake by accidentally drilling one of the wrong holes on the brake pass through doubler to #30. Luckily there isn't an edge distance issue, and a flush rivet should work just fine. Anyways, with the crisis of the night (there is always one) over, I decided to backdrill the angles to the firewall. Under the angles, there are some predrilled trim pieces to make everything under the angle level. However, you can't cleco them in place because that would interfere with setting the angle. My solution was to use scotch tape to hole the trim in place. I think I just typed longer than it took to do it.

Next was to set the angle. It is supposed to be 3/32" from the bottom angle, and flush against the side I used a 3/32" drill bit to set the distance from the bottom, and then clamped it to the side angle. Before I drilled it, I put another clamp on to hold the angle to the firewall tightly. I didn't want this sucka walking on me.

Done and done. All edge distances look great.



Last Modified: June 24, 2024